Tom on the doorstep with councillor colleagues and Andrew Western MP
Tom on the doorstep with councillor colleagues and Andrew Western MP

We’re just over halfway through the month but it already feels to me like we’re a couple of months into the year.  At the moment we’re having several meetings regarding the Council’s 2025/26 Budget whilst also preparing for a ‘Corporate Peer Challenge’ which is taking place at the end of the month.  A Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) is arranged by the Local Government Association. It’s where a delegation of external councillors and council officers will be spending a few days with us.  The team will look at how we operate and provide us with feedback in the form of a public report after the visit.  I’m looking forward to the CPC and having the opportunity to showcase our Borough.

I’ve also attended several meetings as part of my Greater Manchester Green City-Region role.  On Monday I attended the first meeting of the North West Low Carbon Leadership Group- where representatives from the public and private sector come together to look at the long term strategic plans for low carbon energy across the region.  I also had a couple of follow-up meetings with people I met at last month’s GM Green Summit.

Elsewhere at the Town Hall it was great to welcome our new Corporate Director of Adults and Wellbeing, Maggie Kufeldt to Trafford Council this week.  Maggie is no stranger to us as she has been chairing our Adult Social Care Development Board over the past few months.  Maggie brings a wealth of experience with her to Trafford and I look forward to working closely with her over the coming months.  I also attended a meeting of our Corporate Parenting Board, where we placed on record our thanks to two of our foster carers who have taken the decision to retire.  Both Roger and Margaret have been amazing foster carers with Trafford for over a decade and have done so much to support the younger people in their care.  I am incredibly grateful to all our foster carers across the Borough who embody one of our top priorities- to give children and young people the very best start in life.

On Wednesday evening I joined Cllr Aidan Williams in Manchester to record a podcast with Walk Ride GM.  It was an opportunity for us to celebrate our recent ‘Council of the Year’ award with the team and Walk Ride GM as well as discuss our aspirations for building an active travel network.

On Thursday morning I travelled to Altrincham to visit Michael De Massey from the Selbourne Group at their Trafalgar House base on Navigation Road.  Michael gave me a tour of the building and showed its transformation from a former call centre to a vibrant hub hosting offices and space for small businesses.  I look forward to exploring ways in which the council can work with Michael in future.

I spent much of Friday away from the Town Hall- first of all back on the doorstep in my own ward with my colleagues.  I then went on a series of visits to areas of the Borough impacted by the New Year floods and I had the opportunity to hear more about some of the awful experiences people had.  Trafford Labour Party are taking a motion to our next council meeting which focusses on the recent flooding and the work required across different agencies, and the part residents can play, in safeguarding us as best as possible from future events.

Finally on Saturday morning it was my absolute pleasure to join the Mayor of Trafford and participate in a Citizenship Ceremony at Sale Town Hall.  When I was Mayor of Trafford during 2018/19 one of the highlights of the role were the Citizenship Ceremonies and it felt special to witness one and say a few words of welcome once again.

  • Tom with Cllr Rose Thompson at the start of a GM VCFSE session at Trafford Town Hall
  • The Mayor, Cllr Rose Thompson, Tom and a new British Citizen at a Citizenship Ceremony in Sale
  • A reunion with my wonderful former Mayoral Attendants Matthew and Tony!